Say No to Sycophantism

Friday, November 30, 2007


Rudy Giuliani's Hamptons escapdes

It strikes me as odd that instead of covering the actual story about
Giuliani billing charges for his security while he was in the Hamptons with
Judy to obscure mayoral offices such as some disabilities fund etc., the MSM
is covering the Giuliani campaign's denial of said story.


Democrats say all Republicans are Bush sycophants. Republicans deny it. I am not intelligent enough to decide what the truth is.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Joe Klein and FISA

If you haven't been following the fascinating Joe Klein FISA saga, you don't know what you're missing out on. In a nutshell: Klein wrote a column whose central premise was based on a falsehood, then proceeded to defend the falsehood as a fact, then admitted there may be some falsehood, then proceeded again to defend the falsehood, then threw the hat in and said the issue was too complicated for him to understand, and that it doesn't really matter anyway because it's such a minor detail [the minor detail being what his original column was based on, the column basically saying the Democrats' FISA policy will make them lose the election again...or something].

As usual, Glenn Greenwald does a fantastic job banging the nail in the coffin.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Denny Hastert urging civility in the capitol..... like Hitler telling Americans to be nice to Jewish people. But yes, he is urging civility.

Full Story

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