Say No to Sycophantism

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


they found the ponies!!!!

"Yet Goldberg enjoys a sterling reputation. The Atlantic's wealthy owner,
David Bradley, reportedly sent Goldberg's children ponies in order to
convince the reporter to leave The New Yorker for the prestigious magazine.
"He's incredibly persistent and makes you feel like you're God's gift to
journalism," Goldberg said of Bradley. The Washington Post media critic
Howard Kurtz approvingly referred to Bradley's pursuit of "top talent.""

*If you don't get the pony reference, a lot of us bloggers on the left have
been referring to phrases like "the next six months in iraq...." and "we
will find wmd" etc as "where are the ponies". i think atrios originated the
phrase, but not certain.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


why i love atrios comment threads..

They have to get bored with this soon, right? Right? [in reference to cnn
going all energizer bunny on obama-wright story, all over again]

If I were a praying man, I'd be begging for a coordinated shark attack on
these United States.
Zap Rowsdower | Homepage | 04.29.08 - 3:41 pm | #


bobo brooks is a genius

"The non-college educated not only earn less, they smoke more, grow more
obese and die sooner.
Retailers, home builders and TV executives identify and reinforce these
lifestyle clusters. There are more niche offerings and fewer common

And who are these retailers, home builders, and TV executives? Why,
BUSH-Republicans, of course!



easley endorses hillary

in a move that was widely expected. john edwards next? do it john. at least
then i will no longer be ambivalent about you! [i will never vote for you in
any election, ever].

Monday, April 28, 2008


barack obama at dean dome tonight

i shall be there, and so should you. the event was announced late on
thursday, and tickets were gone by friday afternoon. all 35,000 of them.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


john mccain is bin laden's candidate

via RKA at dailykos, joe klein writes something sensible [gasp]:

"If McCain wants to go that route, I can suggest another: that John McCain
is probably the favorite candidate of Osama bin Laden, just as George W.
Bush was Osama's presidential preference. Why? Because both Bush and McCain
have bought Osama's disinformation about Iraq being the central front in the
war on terrorism. Of course, bin Laden wants the gullible neocons to take
the Iraq bait because Afghanistan really is the central front of the war on
terrorism--more precisely the Afghan-Pakistani border areas where the real
Al Qaeda lives. The war in Iraq has been a grand strategic gift to Osama,
keeping the U.S. military tied down elsewhere and off his tail."


Saturday, April 26, 2008


my problem with krugman

is not that he likes hillary clinton, and consistently writes pieces in her
defense. it is that he has yet to write anything positive at all about
obama, or his supporters. even something like, "i understand where his
support is coming from, i understand how he may appeal to younger voters who
dont necessarily like to hear formula phrases like "i denounce this" and
"god bless america", not that there's anything wrong with that either, but
when that's all a candidate has to offer a la bush, it retards the process.
hillary imo contributes to this retardation, and obama is working very hard
to slow this process. krugman refuses to acknowledge this at all.

Friday, April 25, 2008


krugman is wrong

he sez:
"Despite this, Obama is still the clear favorite for the nomination. But if
he is the nominee, and runs this way in the general election - if it's about
the candidate's awesomeness, not about why progressive policies make peoples'
lives better - it's a formula for defeat."

When was the last time anybody won a presidential election based on policy?
Ask Al Gore. Ask John Kerry. Then ask George Bush. That's right. Never.
Presidential campaigns are won on personality. So while I like Krugman, and
yes I know he's done yeoman's work for progressives during times when joe
klein was talking about how cool it was that freedom was on the march in
iraq [while killing 600,000 innocent people], during this entire cycle
krugman has been nothing short of a full-time 100% certified shill for the
clinton campaign. that's not necessarily a problem, but he should come out
and say he just likes clinton over obama, and it has nothing to do with


Thursday, April 24, 2008

""Thomas Friedman deserves a pie in the face...," the flier said, "because
of his sickeningly cheery applaud for free market capitalism's conquest of
the planet, for telling the world that the free market and techno fixes can
save us from climate change. From carbon trading to biofuels, these
distractions are dangerous in and of themselves, while encouraging inaction
with respect to the true problems at hand..."

amen. tom friedman is the biggest sychopant sissy quasirethug in the
country. he should have mud on his face, not pie. pie is too good for him.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


oh, there's more to quote whence that came from:

"The time has come. The time has come. The time is now. Just go. ... I don't
care how. You can go by foot. You can go by cow. Hillary R. Clinton, will
you please go now! You can go on skates. You can go on skis. ... You can go
in an old blue shoe.
Just go, go, GO!"

LOL....modo is my favorite write now. i quadruple heart her for expressing
my sentiments so well.



Maureen Dowd, the wicked witch of .errr..donno:

Is he skittish around her because he knows that she detests him and he's
used to charming everyone? Or does he feel guilty that he cut in line ahead
of her? As the husband of Michelle, does he know better than to defy the
will of a strong woman? Or is he simply scared of Hillary because she's

can you imagine getting PAID to write this stuff?
i can't either.


okay, so instead of +1obama it seems like its going to be +9 hillary. fine.
optimism loses out on occasion, but victory for optimism is an ultimate

the one pollster that got this race very wrong was PPP, one of my favorite
polling outfits that is based down the road in raleigh. they have a blog!!
and they actually write stuff on it, like, about why they screwed up in pa:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

omg she just plugged in a victory speech. classy.

what is a lunch bucket democrat?

john king is still frigging stupid.

terry mcauliffe just said "" about 500 times in 30 seconds
on CNN.

Monday, April 21, 2008



wishful thinking probably, but i'm optimistic about optimism.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


shailagh murray and perry bacon are regular people. they even milk their own
cows in the morning, and drink the fresh milk with oreos! so regular!

Friday, April 18, 2008

perry bacon jr at wapo says the debate discussed policy too!!!!! it did too!!

From Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, and Domenico Montanaro
*** ObamaNation's power: Curious of what the bitterness and anger could look
like if Obama is somehow denied the Democratic nomination? Check out the
reaction from the ObamaNation over Wednesday's debate. To put it simply, ABC
was under siege yesterday.



colbert parodies debate question re: weather underground people, extending
the logic used by george stephanopolous.

Thursday, April 17, 2008



for Barack Obama, and so should you!

ps: nc one-stop voting is available from today through May 3rd. You can
register as well as vote at the same time. For a list of locations click

bush to pope after speech: "thank you your holiness, awesome speech". you
really can't make this stuff up.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i wrote the following a couple of days ago, forgot to hit send:

i am a limousine liberal. i swear. i took an suv cab home from the airport a
few months ago. that qualifies as a limo, no?
i'm also a latte liberal, i drink a bottle of packaged cold
coffee-like-liquid everyday!

any others that i missed? anyway, the way i see it, more people would be
limousine or latte liberals if they had the money to spend on these things
and get a chance to appreciate them. therefore, its in the interest of the
republican party to keep people poor and/or scared. those are pretty much
the only two things that gets them votes from anybody who makes less than

oh, and somebody asked me who i thought won the debate. i said john mccain
did. john mccain wins everything as long as hillary clinton decides to stay
in this race to try to destroy barack obama, the "usurper" who "stole" "her"

if you didn't catch the debate "action" tonight, don't worry. it was dumb,
as these things have usually been this cycle. i miss the republican debates,
they were definitely a lot more insightful and entertaining.

christen schaal is no samantha bee!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008



tax day.. la la la ..

Friday, April 11, 2008

i am a college graduate, therefore, according to chris matthews, i am not

wait, there's more. i'm in medical school now, so that would make
me....."very very not regular!!"..

or something.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

the subject of affirmative action style programs still gets otherwise
normal, easy-going people riled up.


Saturday, April 05, 2008

Okay, so UNC lost. big deal. hansbrough will be back next year.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


so apparently our military is paying the same gor fas in iraq as we do here.
this is rich:
"Some lawmakers say oil-rich allies in the Middle East should be doing more
to subsidize fuel costs because of the stake they have in a secure Iraq."

right. iraq was a heck of a lot more secure before we went in, than it is
right now. our oil-rich allies are just waiting for the time when we decide
to install a "benevolent dictator" and restore the natural order of things.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

healthcare in america: i'm sitting here next to my sister, in the hospital.
she has been on IV hydration for the past 16 hours. for the past hour, she
has had a severe headache. they can't give her anything because they don't
have any "orders", and they're trying to get the "orders". i told them i
need pills, not orders. i could have given her a couple of pills, IF i had
any. but i'm in the hospital, why the heck should i have my own pills?

end of rant.

deep thought: if chelsea clinton refused to talk to the press, maybe the
press should stop reporting on what she's doing?

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