Say No to Sycophantism

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Glenn Reynolds:

"OBAMA WOOS THE JEWS: He'd better. One of my die-hard Democrat friends says he'd vote for McCain over Obama because he thinks Obama is anti-Israel."
Right....any "die-hard" Democrat is no longer a die-hard if he is friends with Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds. Enough said.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


from the rotflmao dept


he's saying what we've known for ages of course. he's also of course sticking it in thoroughly to cnn and they take it like the good little sycophants that they are.

Monday, February 04, 2008


bill kristol lets it out

"The American conservative movement has been remarkably successful. We shouldn't take that success for granted. It's not easy being a conservative movement in a modern liberal democracy."
what does that even mean? is Bill Kristol saying that conservatism is inherently incompatible with modern liberal democracy? sure looks like it.

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