Say No to Sycophantism

Monday, March 31, 2008

If you can help it, never EVER order appliances from you've been

yahoo is launching a site for 25-54 year old women that will allow them to

apparently, the site "will have "attitude," "personality," and humor, while
providing advice and secret tips like "a friend." i think people need more
real friends, not sites to give them secret tips "like a friend". awful.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

"iraq is creeping back up and fighting the economy as a top issue" -guy on

watch out, iraq might be creeping up right behind you.


proof of earlier quote, from cbs sportsline.

" Now, this is a party. San Antonio can expect four No. 1 seeds for the
Final Four, as Kansas ends Davidson's feel-good nonsense with a convincing
59-57 victory. "

feel-good nonsense? wth? are these guys on some kind of drugs? davidson just
completed one of the best underdog runs in tournament history, and they call
it feel-good nonsense? and since when is a 2-point victory convinving? i
really hope that caption is snark.

LOL, now this is just spiteful:

"We've been asked to discuss the NCAA tournament on Lou Dobbs' national
radio show on Monday. Part of me wants to see how Lou responds when I tell
him about the impressive play of Brook and Robin Lopez, Lorenzo Mata-Real,
Edgar Sosa, Juan Palacios and Orlando Mendez-Valdez. Then I think I'll
invite him to join me at a U.S.-Mexico soccer match.
Enjoy the Sunday games!"


Saturday, March 29, 2008

and unc wins. unc davidson anybody?

just saw the first obama ad here in NC, during the xavier ucla game.
excellent! hoping to see it again later during the carolina game. very
informal ad, showing obama at a town hall talking about jobs moving abroad.
seems targeted at nc, end of ad had as the URL. good

taking a break from studying. a choice anecdote:

"Just after MSNBC put a winning check mark next to Clinton's picture,
projecting her victory in Ohio, a young female volunteer did a joyous dance
with friends. "Hell yeah, baby!" she shouted. "Eat it, Barack! This is a
woman's world!""


if you need a laugh, take a look at this wapo comment thread in response to
jim carville's latest defense of the judas comment. personally i think
carville knows he's becoming irrelevant pretty quickly, and these are the
last dying lashes of a guy with a pretty weird bush-style value system.
anyway, here's the link:

from cnn:

Will the ongoing battle between Obama and Clinton damage the Democratic
Party's chances of winning the presidency in November?



I heard a new york congressman who endorsed hillary argue last night on cnn
that we should let the "voters decide". i have news for you mr. congressman:
the voters have already decided. the democratic nominee is barack obama.
hillary clinton is not going to win every single state by 20 points or more,
which is what she needs in order to close the pledged delegate gap. contrary
to what conventional wisdom, the race is not "even", obama leads by over 100

hillary's only path to the nomination involves superdelegates voting for a
candidate who lost the popular vote and the corresponding delegate vote. the
destination of that path is a democratic loss in november, and people like
me leaving the democratic party forever.

Friday, March 28, 2008

re the joe klein post from this morning, let me add this:

what if i come and smack you black and blue? what if the earth is flat, and
the geocentric model is right after all? what if? huh? huh?

after davidson's win, 25% of the elite8 is from north carolina.

joe klein is still a joke line. who knew?

"He will probably do well enough to secure the nomination. But what if he
tanks? What if he can't buy a white working-class vote? What if he loses all
three states badly and continues to lose after that? I'd guess that the
Democratic Party would still give him the nomination rather than turn to
Clinton. But no one would be very happy-and a year that should have been an
easy Democratic victory, given the state of the economy and the unpopularity
of the incumbent, might slip away."

Thursday, March 27, 2008

from wapo:
At first she hesitated. The schoolteacher described herself as "one of those
apathetic people who always felt, 'What does my single vote matter?' " But
Braun wanted to learn more about Obama's education programs, so she
Then the e-mails started to arrive.

One told her about the candidate's plan to end the war in Iraq. Another
sought her help in registering voters. A video of Obama's "major speech on
race" was sent. Of the dozens of e-mails she received, only a handful
directly asked for money.

The approach paid off. This year she made four $25 contributions, and she
also persuaded her father, a lifelong Republican, to register as a Democrat
so he could join her in voting for Obama.


so elite 8 then. no georgetown. 05 repeat. thank you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

who else thinks hrc promised jeremy armstrong a sub-cabinet-level official
blogger liason position [if] she wins?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

just got a call from a nice lady volunteering for the obama campaign, and
she asked me whether i was supporting obama. i said yeah. and i told her
that i knew there's a local chapel hill office opening, and i'm going to be
there for the opening party. she said wow you're all set. i said yeah.

good story? i'd like to think so. let's hope it ends well.

kiki mclean is on cnn right now. she is obnoxious.

re: the previous post, yes i understand comment sections usually don't mean
anything because of their unattributed and often trollish content, but i
just thought it was interesting that somebody would start questioning the
intent and wishese of voters who HAVE ALREADY VOTED FOR OBAMA. If that
poster is really an hrc supporter, he is delusional. Obama people are some
of the most passionate people I have ever met.


from abc news blog comment section

Monday, March 24, 2008

question: what will happen when you take all the characters from all the ayn
rand novels and stuff them in one room?

answer: the world will explode.

just found out grandpa fred is headed back to hollywood:

that's one aspect i never understod about fred thompson's candidacy: why did
the "real conservatives", if there can be such a label applied to any of
these people, like him so much, even though he is from hollywood, that
bastion of liberalism that they all love to hate?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

question: why do tcp packets traveling from chapel hill to los angeles go
north to dc first?

answer: bgp route optimizers are retarded.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

sorry to see duke get out of the tournament so early. well, not really.
maybe next year. or the year after. or never.

random U.N. delegation member's wife on spitzer rec activities: "men are

yes, i really haven't heard that one before.

"An act of betrayal," said James Carville, an adviser to Mrs. Clinton and a
friend of Mr. Clinton.

"Mr. Richardson's endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day
when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is
appropriate, if ironic," Mr. Carville said, referring to Holy Week. comment, somebody wake me up when this thing is over.

Friday, March 21, 2008

watching the unc - st. mary's game, interrupted by ad:

"if you're one of the over 1 million people who have bought a house this
year, the national association of realtors wants you to know that ....."
you're screwed.

well, that's not what they said, but they should have.

"I was distracted by the internal American debate to the occlusion of the
reality of Iraq."

translation: i didn't know wth was going on in iraq, i just thought it was
cool to go kill some people.

that's andy sullivan on what, among other things, he got wrong about iraq

anybody else think its odd that bush keeps saying "my job is to protect the
american people", but his major constituency is those people who believe
that its okay to roam around downtown with a howitzer, so conceivably they
have enough arms+ammo to defend themselves? somebody go tell him "mr.
president, i really dont think our constituents need defendin', its those
latte drinking libs that need the defendin' and, well, we don't give a rat's
ass about them anyway"

Thursday, March 20, 2008

if bill o'reilly really doesn't think he's racist, he's self-delusional. if
he really knows he is racist but pretends otherwise, he's a liar. i can't
decide which is worse.

it's a sad day when two progressive heroes, paul krugman and keith
olbermann, end up on opposite ends of the stick [krugman has always acted
like a clinton shill, olbermann tried to be balanced for the most part until
the geraldine ferraro incident]. now krugman is hated by 30% of obama
supporters, and KO is hated by 30% of clinton supporters. i like them both,
i wish others would look beyond the primary, both from past and future

oh, and yeah, go obama, that was some speech.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

much hay is being made about mccain [mistakenly?] saying that iran is
training and supplying arms to al qaeda in iraq. people are going "no no,
iran as shia country is training the shia militias".

what they're missing is that they're both wrong. iran isn't training anybody
in iraq, and they're not supplying arms to anybody in iraq either. this
seems like just a trick to say something so obviously wrong [that iran is
supplying sunni al qaeda with arms and training] so that people start
believing the stuff that is less obviously wrong, that iran is training the
shia militias. shame.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

blond woman on cnn just likened bear to an arsonist. if bear is/was such an
arsonist, then every other entity, from goldman to merrill to lehman to jpm
[bear's "rescuer"] is also an arsonist. these guys have been doing identical
things for the past 5 years. if one is an arsonist, they all are.

i long for the day when your mainstream media doesn't operate from the base
assumption that there is no objective truth, that there is no difference
between opinion and fact, and thus reporting on any story doesn't have to go
beyond gathering quotes from various people with their own angles.

Monday, March 17, 2008

i just heard some bald guy on cnbc say monetary policy is like sex, its
exhilarating at first but the full consequences don't show up until 9 months

then they wonder why bear went down.

you would have to be a sadist to watch cnn or cnbc today. bad news. more bad
news. and more bad news. hooray bear!

Sunday, March 09, 2008


i miss billmon

he would know what to do with this hillary monster!


why i love atrios' comment threads

Russert: look Daschle be honest he's young and he's black shouldn't he just be the vice president???

Daschle: he's the one who is leading

Russert: but he's black!

Dashcle: and she was arranging flowers for eight years big deal

Russert: well he's still black

Daschle: yes i know he's also winning

Russert: would he accept her as Veep

Daschle: sure

Russert: but we need to move on from the Clinton sex scandals

Daschle: true but that was her husband
Russert: what a race ha!

Saturday, March 08, 2008


bob herbert writes something intelligent


We have seen election after election in which candidates have won by fanning the anxieties of voters. Elect me, or something terrible will happen to you!

That is now the Clinton mantra, which is a measure of how grim our politics have become. "

Friday, March 07, 2008


quote of the day

"she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every damn branch on the way down" - random daily kos commenter on margaret carlson

Monday, March 03, 2008




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