As usual, Atrios is very succint:
"The $700 Billion Underpants Gnomes
Step 1) Buy $700 billion of big shitpile at inflated prices
Step 2) ..
Step 3) Profit!!
-Atrios 21:47
Comments (311) "
At this rate, they're going to need new machinery at the U.S. mint. Quote of
the week:
And New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg, the ranking Republican on the Senate
Budget Committee, told Politico Friday that a "majority of the Republican
Conference will understand about the risk to the nation" and work quickly
with the administration to address it.
"The situation is so dire, we can't get wrapped around our ideologies,"
Gregg said. " We have to be bold and be flexible. If you just take an
ideological position, the disruption [to the economy] will be enormous."
There you have it folks. Trust a republican to give up his principles at the
very moment when we desperately need them to protect ourselves from further
descendance into a fascist tunnel. The mind boggles, but the body is tired
and unresponsive.
Your first mistake is calling it a "car." You should call it a "Special
Investment Vehicle."
El Cliffo | 09.19.08 - 11:29 am | #
via CR comment thread:
i saw vids of lehman employees going in with empty duffel bags and coming
out with full ones, truly sad. aig is still on the brink of collapse, even
though a private cash injection of ~75bil from goldman et al. has been
arranged by the fed. the market doesn't seem to buy it though, stock
continues to tank. roubini was on teevee today saying "i told you so,
goldman and morgan are next within 3-4 months".
most alarming news of the day? fed changing rules allowing deposit-taking
banks to use deposits to finance their investment banking arms. violating
one of the cardinal rules of banking post-depression: dont screw with your
despositors' money. truly shocking, but these are the times.
Just 2 months ago, we were hearing how "different" Lehman was from Bear
because, well, "its different!!!". Now we know a liquidity crisis is a
liquidity crisis, and lehman just owned a little bit too much of big
shitpile for it to be an appetizing meal for, well, anybody.
1. Obama should not directly engage Palin. Brings him down to her level,
which is really no level at all. Female surrogates should go after Palin
with the heaviest kitchen sink they can find. Doesn't matter if they cry
sexism or meanness or whatever, it won't matter with the voters. Voters
don't like whiners, as Hillary Clinton found out at the end of her primary
2. Palin is a distraction. The election is not about her. It's about John
McCain, and what an irresponsible, incompetent, lying sack of shit John
McCain is. Let's drill that message. For example:
a. John McCain says Barack Obama is "elitist", but he's the one who owns
7 houses and a private jet.
b. John McCain says Sarah Palin sold a government-owned jet on eBay and
made a profit, but she actually didn't sell the jet on eBay, she sold it to
a businessman at a $600,000 loss to the state.
c. John McCain says he will reduce your taxes, but he will really reduce
rich people's taxes. You? not so much. John McCain doesn't care about you.
d. John McCain says he will tell the lobbyists that change is coming.
Somebody ought to tell John McCain that his campaign employs over 100
lobbyists, including chief strategist Charlie Black.
e. The DNC ads tying John McCain to George Bush with the 90% voting
record are excellent. They should be playing non-stop in every swing state:
VA, NC, OH, PA, FL, CO, NV. I have to be honest, here in NC I've been seeing
a lot more McCain negative ads than Obama ads. This has got to change. I'm
hoping that there's a strategy behind this, and the Obama people are just
waiting for the right time for a knockout punch.
Bottom line: the campaign is about the economy, and about what a lying sack
of shit John McCain is. Let's not get distracted by Ms. Congeniality.
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