Say No to Sycophantism

Sunday, April 27, 2008


john mccain is bin laden's candidate

via RKA at dailykos, joe klein writes something sensible [gasp]:

"If McCain wants to go that route, I can suggest another: that John McCain
is probably the favorite candidate of Osama bin Laden, just as George W.
Bush was Osama's presidential preference. Why? Because both Bush and McCain
have bought Osama's disinformation about Iraq being the central front in the
war on terrorism. Of course, bin Laden wants the gullible neocons to take
the Iraq bait because Afghanistan really is the central front of the war on
terrorism--more precisely the Afghan-Pakistani border areas where the real
Al Qaeda lives. The war in Iraq has been a grand strategic gift to Osama,
keeping the U.S. military tied down elsewhere and off his tail."


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