Say No to Sycophantism

Friday, October 31, 2008


joe biden sends custom emails!

Our records show that you live in Orange County. Early voting closes this
Saturday, November 1st. Your closest Early Vote location is:

Seymour Senior Center
2551 Homestead Rd
Chapel Hill
Open Oct 16 to Nov 1, Mon-Fri, 12pm-7pm; Sat, Nov 1, 9am-1pm


ground game

From Sean Quinn over at 538, a must-read post:

"For some time at the outset, we were willing to give Republicans the
benefit of the doubt. They convinced us they were really working, and that
we had just had unfortunate timing. It wasn't until the pattern of "just
missed it" started to sound like a drumbeat in our ears that we began to
grow skeptical. We never "just missed" any of the Obama volunteer work,
because it goes on nonstop, every day, in every office, in every corner of


Blame it on Bush?

NO! Blame it on kos!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


gone fishing....

and back just in time to vote!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Obama on Maddow

Here's the thing about being a Democratic Presidential nominee: you're quiet
frequently attacked from the right (baby-killer, terrorist-lover,
gun-stealer, tree-hugger etc. etc.), but nobody ever questions you from a
leftist (read: democratic) perspective. I've been hoping that this will now
start to happen with the Olbermann/Maddow juggernaut on MSNBC, but so far
I've been beyond disappointed. Olbermann acts like a complete fox-newsish
sycophant when talking about any Democrat except Hillary Clinton (and no I
have no love lost for Hillary). His interview last month with Obama was
behind-licking at its very worst.

But, I've always thought that Maddow has been the more balanced, the more
sane, and the less-blowhardish of the two, and part of that has obviously
been due to necessity: Olbermann paved the way for Maddow to be more civil,
because Olbermann had to fight for his spot and Maddow followed his
coattails. But I have high hopes for Maddow's interview tonight. I hope she
asks questions like the following:

1. "Senator, you've visited churches and synagogues during the course of
your campaign, why have you not visited a mosque?"
2. "Sir, is there something wrong with being a Muslim in America?"

Obama's a politician, probably a once-in-a-generation type politician, and I
love him. I understand he's playing to win, and by distancing himself from
muslims he thinks he has a better chance of winning. I get that. But that
doesn't mean that he shouldn't be asked about it and be forced to make clear
what is right and what is not. The right (except Colin Powell) thinks that
it's perfectly dandy for Obama to distance himself from Muslims and cast
them as the "other". The left stays silent on the issue. Democracy and
religious freedom are the losers.

Monday, October 27, 2008


campbell brown

She's on The Daily Show right now. Campbell Brown being portrayed and acting
like some kind of bias-free paragon of straight journalism is absolutely
retarded. It makes me puke. But such is life. Stewart needs to ask her how
being married to Dan Senor, a senior Bush advisor, affects her job.


Bye Hulk!

"But the senator is also known for his orneriness. On days when he was
spoiling for a fight in the Senate, Stevens often wore a tie bearing the
angry comic book hero the Incredible Hulk. He even referred to himself as "a
mean, miserable SOB."

Ted Stevens GUILTY:

Sunday, October 26, 2008


atlas dead

"There's something in Ayn Rand's works that appeals to everyone at some
point in their lives. Everyone wants to identify with the specialness of
Dagny Taggart or Howard Roark or John Galt. Everyone feels, at some point in
their lives, as if they are the true hub of the universe.
Then rational people grow the hell up and get over it. There's no more
substance to Rand's objectivist view than there is in a child fantasizing
about being a fairy princess, and even less to admire.

John Galt is dead. We can only hope he stays buried."


I couldn't have put it better myself. I fell in love with Roark, Galt,
Dominique, Dagny, Hank, Frisco, and the rest of the capitalists--as-atlas
gang in 8th grade [yes, you are allowed to call me a nerd]. Rand's books are
inspiring. Her characters are inspiring. I could still re-read The
Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged or We The Living and thoroughly enjoy it.
These books, however, just don't have any basis in reality, and people who
think so are subjects of a mass delusion.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


rejection, revulsion, reversion

"I am not sure whether I want them to follow Frum's advice. I really would
like history to record that in 2008, the people rejected George W. Bush and
all his pomps and all his evil works."



Friday, October 24, 2008



"But respecting McCain's service to his country does not outweigh all of
McCain's negatives now. Especially his biggest negative -- his smalltown,
evangelical, xenophobic, intellectually lazy, uninformed, anti-science
running mate who came out swinging at the GOP convention, snidely insulting
anyone who doesn't share her background and beliefs."

Six choice adjectives to describe Palin. Excellent.



Dying gasps

Thursday, October 23, 2008



Walter Shapiro and Mike Madden give us an epic takedown of the most
egregiously stupid gasbag conventional wisdom from this season:


palin, clothes, and an irate donor

"I'm not one who says a candidate shouldn't wear fine clothes," he added. "I'd
just like to think they were successful enough in the private sector to have
afforded their wardrobe with their own money, not the party's or the
campaign's, which is really our money as contributors."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


MUST WATCH: Muslim McCain fans challenge intolerance at rally

Personally, I have absolutely no idea why Muslims would still support the
Republican party as it exists today. I understand that a lot of us did in
2000 (I didn't, because W. seemed a little too incurious and dumb), because
let's face it, we're at heart extremely conservative about these so-called
"moral" values (anti-abortion, anti-gays, anti-sex, etc. etc.), so on face
value, we're perfectly aligned with movement conservatism. Until we realize
that movement conservatism is very similar to Bin Laden's Islam. The
ultimate end-goal of movement conservatism is theocracy, and in this case, a
Christianist theocracy in which there is no room for other religions.

For those who are not aware, movement conservatism's original boogeyman was
not Islam, but Judaism! You only have to read about Nixon's and Kissinger's
rants against Israel and Jews to get a very clear idea of the modern
Republican party's heritage. Some Muslims, in a misguided attempt of
thinking "any enemy of the jews is my friend", have been unflinching
Republicans since. Little do they realize that the enemy of any religion is
our enemy, because the demonization of any single religion is only a
stepping stone to the demonization of all religions save for the one
endorsed by the party in power.

Friday, October 17, 2008


dark finance humor

From Peter:
Q: What the difference between today's investment bankers and pigeons?
A: Pigeons can still make a deposit on a BMW.

From Sidd:
I went to an ATM today, and it asked to borrow a twenty till next week.

From monta's ankle:
I went to fill up my gas tank and I couldn't decide between leveraged and

From Rob Dawg:
Went to Best Buy to get a toaster and they gave me a free bank with purchase

via: CR []

Thursday, October 16, 2008


who won the debate? judge for yourselves

Thursday, October 09, 2008


watch and learn


john cleese celebrates hannity

Ode to Sean Hannity

by John Cleese

Aping urbanity
Oozing with vanity
Plump as a manatee
Faking humanity
Journalistic calamity
Intellectual inanity
Fox Noise insanity
You're a profanity

Damn straight.

Saturday, October 04, 2008


obama fashion



Jon Stewart hits this one out of the park and crashes some windshields too.

Thursday, October 02, 2008



This is the most vacuous debate I have ever seen. Enough said.

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