Say No to Sycophantism

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


MUST WATCH: Muslim McCain fans challenge intolerance at rally

Personally, I have absolutely no idea why Muslims would still support the
Republican party as it exists today. I understand that a lot of us did in
2000 (I didn't, because W. seemed a little too incurious and dumb), because
let's face it, we're at heart extremely conservative about these so-called
"moral" values (anti-abortion, anti-gays, anti-sex, etc. etc.), so on face
value, we're perfectly aligned with movement conservatism. Until we realize
that movement conservatism is very similar to Bin Laden's Islam. The
ultimate end-goal of movement conservatism is theocracy, and in this case, a
Christianist theocracy in which there is no room for other religions.

For those who are not aware, movement conservatism's original boogeyman was
not Islam, but Judaism! You only have to read about Nixon's and Kissinger's
rants against Israel and Jews to get a very clear idea of the modern
Republican party's heritage. Some Muslims, in a misguided attempt of
thinking "any enemy of the jews is my friend", have been unflinching
Republicans since. Little do they realize that the enemy of any religion is
our enemy, because the demonization of any single religion is only a
stepping stone to the demonization of all religions save for the one
endorsed by the party in power.

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